Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can you give me a hand here?

I just had another extremely productive Sunday evening.  I must have gotten too much sleep this weekend, because I am fighting off an overabundance of energy.  The Steelers game was a good opportunity for me to wave some of it off and lift my (little) hand weights while watching, but even that wasn't enough to reduce the high energy level.  After the game was over, I literally ran around my apartment and later jumped/danced like a maniac to the radio for a few minutes  (It is a sad evening since the Steelers lost; I had to push myself through the silly motions). 

Then I thought, "OMG, how awesome would it be if I could do a handstand?!!?".  Doesn't everyone think of stuff like this?  I unsuccessfully tried to do it a few times before I had the ingenius idea of looking up instructions on the internet.  I swear to you that I am a 29 year old female and not a 13 year old boy, although I can identify with them... Breakouts?  Check.  First-kiss jitters and sweaty palms on a date?  Check and check.  Moustache slowly growing?  Check.   

Anyway, for those of you who are married with children or even just married, you're probably wondering 1) why the hell would she try to do handstands in her free time? and 2) what is free time?   The answers are relatively simple.  1) I am supercool.  2) Free time = this is what single people have if they have already cleaned the apartment, done all the laundry, talked to the folks, and caught up with friends on the phone.  Yes, there are things I could and should do such as volunteering or a part-time job, but I'm working on those.  In the meantime, I am supercool.

On one episode of Sex And The City (SATC), the characters are discussing their "Secret Single Behavior" (SSB).  In a way, attempting handstands could count as one of those except for the fact that it is not a secret and it is not something that I routinely do (until next Sunday night, of course!).  On the show, they didn't want their boyfriends finding out about the SSB they do when said boyfriends are not around because they were worried it would scare them away.

Back to the point - so after I watched some experts online and got some tips, I decided it would be smart to clear a space in front of a wall so that I wouldn't flip over.  Good idea?  Yes!  Was it a tip I learned from the internet?  No!  I awkwardly slid/crumpled on my first attempt which caused my wrists to crack in a bunch of different places and made my neck feel funny.  Undeterred, my second attempt was so bad I'm not sure what really happened... it was a blur.  There was a loud thud against the wall, my hair was disheveled more than it normally is, and I decided to wait until there was another person around for fear of getting hurt.  See, this proves I'm not a 13 year old boy.  The boys would just do it anyways and then damage something.  I am much more sophisticated/mature than that (read: I really don't want to drive myself to the ER to explain how I broke my wrist and then have to explain all over again at work on Monday.  Not everyone understands the plight of the brave).

Unlike the SATC characters, I'm not afraid to share this SSB with anyone and this is exactly the reason why having a boyfriend around would sometimes be useful.  I'm sure I would be a shoo-in at the pierogi try-outs if I could do a handstand.  The Pirates staff would exclaim, "Oh look, how novel!  That pierogi is upside-down!  Just what the crowd paid money to see!"...Even though an upside-down pierogi probably doesn't look much different than a normal pierogi, assuming there is such a thing as "normal" when a person is standing in a pierogi costume.

I better get to bed and rest up... my social calendar is surprisingly free tomorrow night, if you can believe it, and there are all kinds of fun I could end up having.  And no, shaving/bleaching/waxing off my moustache isn't one of them... at least not yet.

Look at how much fun this is, especially the nineties clothing.


  1. Being of Polish background, I must remind you of your misuse of the word Pierogi in the singular tense.However, since your are doing handstands in your apartment in order to be an upside down Pierog--I guess there are bigger issues to deal with. By the way, my experience says go for the handstande now-- in ten years the odds will be much worse.---"You Know"

  2. ER is NOT close enough for you to drive to, and I would have been angry if you would have broken your wrist over this. Having a boyfriend is also useful to have him hang things on the wall. Also, wax it, I've taught you better than that!!!
